Our Benefice Church in Ruardean will be holding its Patronal Festival on the weekend of 25th & 26th June 2016. It promises to be a wonderful weekend with the Church open for various events. Come along on both days to see the wonderful displays and flower arrangements from local organisations.
Saturday 25th June – Ruardean Church will be open from 10:00am until 5:00pm
DELICIOUS LUNCHES will be available on Saturday 25th June from 12 noon onwards.
An evening of music – a fantastic concert in Ruardean Church on Saturday 25th June by the Rotary Choir “Smart but Casual” – tickets £5 on the night or can be purchased from Sue Young, Sally Parker or from Church. Concert starts at 7pm.
Sunday 26th June 10am – Ruardean Church’s Annual Patronal Festival Communion Service. All warmly welcome. Ruardean Church will be open to visitors from after the service from 11:00am onwards until 4:00pm.
Entrance to the church on both days will be 50p.