Lent is drawing to a close and Easter is near. First we’re invited to live through these great days of what we call the triduum, the 3 days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
The orders of service for each day can be found within our Online Services section we can be accessed by clicking HERE. We will be using these when people gather together online via facebook or zoom, or take time out of their day to look at the readings and prayers and ponder the mysteries of each day.
Our online services are as follows:
Maunday Thursday – 7.30pm via Zoom (please see order of service for access details)
Good Friday – 2pm (Facebook)
Holy Saturday – 8pm via Zoom (please see order of service for access details)
Easter Sunday – 10.30am (Facebook)
In addition to our online service on Easter Sunday, we will be holding 2 services in a Church as follows:
4pm. Service of Holy Communion – Ruardean
5.30pm. Service of Holy Communion – Drybrook.
If you have already told me you’d like to attend – please let me know which church and time. If you are planning to come to a service in person and have not yet been in touch we’d love to hear from you – revclareedwards@gmail.com or 01594 726318.
We look forward to celebrating Easter with you, whatever that might look like for each of us.